


                   or CASH APP: $JMBC692

                 Sunday Services:
                 New Member Class 9:30a 
                 Sunday School 10:00a 
                 Morning Worship 11:00a

                Weekday Services:
Tuesday 12:00p

                Hour of Power Tuesday 7:00p
                Bible Study Thursday 7:00p

RevMackBioPicReverend Robert J. Mack, Jr., Associate Minister, is a native of Charleston, South Carolina. He is the son of the late Rev. Robert P. and Rosa Mack. Rev. Mack graduated from North Charleston High School, N. Charleston, S.C.  He furthered his studies and graduated from Morris College School of Religion Extension, International Seminary and Slidell Baptist Seminary, where he holds a Doctorate Degree in Theology.

Rev. Mack was ordained a deacon at Jerusalem Baptist Church in 1982, and eleven years later received the call from God to preach the Gospel. He did his trial sermon on June 12, 1993.  In 1995 he was ordained and called to be the 7th pastor at Central Missionary Baptist Church, Summerville, SC, where he served faithfully for 10 years.  

Rev. Mack is a world renown musician, serving as minister of music at Jerusalem for many years, Grand Lodge Musician for Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina Free and Accepted Masons, also playing with James Cleveland at the Gospel Workshop in Houston, Texas. 

He is married to Sylvia Garrett Mack, the father of two daughters, and seven grandchildren. One of his favorite scriptures is Psalms 34: 3 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together."


MinRosaSpencerBioPicMinister Rosa Spencer, Associate Minister, is a native of Charleston, South Carolina. She became a licensed preacher in the year 1999 in New York City. She joined Jerusalem Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. Dr. William A. Salley.

Minister Spencer currently serves as Associate Minister under the leadership of Pastor Herbert Beard. She is the assistant superintendent of Sunday school, teaches the adult Sunday School Class and the adult Bible Study class. She is a member of the Senior Women Ministry, the Senior Missionary Ministry, and the Intercessory Prayer Ministry.

Apart from the teaching of the Holy Spirit, Minister Spencer attended the Church of God in Christ Theological Institute in Mt. Vernon, New York. She is a graduate of Morris College Ministerial Studies, and The National Baptist Association of Christian Education.

Minister Spencer says, “To God be the Glory for the great things He has done and is doing in her life.” She is a mother of three children and eight grandchildren. Minister Spencer’s goal is to equip and encourage others to become disciples for Christ.


RobinBunkemBioPicMinister Robin Bunkem, Associate Minister, accepted her call to preach and was licensed on November 30, 2008 under Reverend Arthur Evans, Sr. at Calvary Baptist Church. She currently serves under Pastor Herbert W. Beard. Minister Bunkem’s ministry and life living is based is Matthew 22:36-40, which commands that we first love our Lord and then our neighbors as ourselves.

Prior to accepting her call to the preaching ministry, Minister Bunkem served for forty years at Calvary as a member of the Senior Choir, twenty years as director of the Youth choirs, and seven years as a member of the Dawsonettes Gospel Choir. She is past president of the YWA, served as an Adult Sunday School Teacher for eight years, and the church’s Historian for more than fifteen years. She is also the published author of two books, “The Calling” and “Inspired Living “ 2015.

Minister Bunkem believes that through salvation, the Word of God, and a personal relationship with Him, we are strengthened and equipped to stand for what we know and believe so that we will not be led by the things we may hear, feel, and see in the natural.

 She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. (North Charleston Alumnae) where she serves as Chaplain.


Manigault A 216pxReverend Angeleka Manigault, Associate Minister is a native New Yorker from the Bronx and the youngest daughter of Henry and Joyce Tutt. She has three daughters and ten grandchildren. She's been employed with Charleston County School District for 24 years and eagerly looks forward to retirement in a few more years.

Angeleka graduated from Morris College Ministerial Extension in 2017 and was licensed to preach in August 2021. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education, and is licensed and certified in Family Child Care from Florida Community College at Jacksonville. She is also a South Carolina Notary Public. She currently serves as an Associate Minister under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Herbert W. Beard where she can continue to carry out her ministerial assignments including Clergy Ministry, Missionary Ministry, Women's Auxiliary, Evangelism Ministry, Drama Ministry and Handbell Ministry.

She was proud to serve as security for former President Barack Obama's second inauguration in 2013, but her greatest passion and accomplishment was the opportunity to carry out the great commission of Christ and "Go ye therefore and teach all nations" by being called to preach and teach the Gospel at the World Convention in Uganda, Africa in December 2015. Her life's goal is to follow Jesus, do the will of God and embrace every opportunity to make GOD SMILE!


Reverend William Albert Salley, Pastor Emeritus, was an instrumental part of the kingdom building in Charleston's historic community. He served for 34 years as senior pastor of Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church from 1984-2018.

During his reign as pastor, Jerusalem flourished and became a light within the community locally and nationally. He and his wife, Susan Salley, were instrumental in the growth and health of the church. Pastor Salley's leadership was instrumental in the church purchasing several pieces of property; acquiring parking lots; remodeling and upgrading the building adding restrooms and a nursery. His efforts resulted in an upgrade of the air conditioning system, the kitchen, and the pillars/columns at the front of the church.

Pastor Salley ordained the late Rev. Allen Washington; licensed and ordained Rev. Robert Mack; licensed Rev. Joseph Chestnut, Minster Ella Brown and Minister Rosa Spencer. He ordained as Deacons Converse Nelson, Ervin Singleton, Everette Robinson, Curtis Nelson and Joseph Dean. He installed Bro. Melvin Brown and Bro. Henry Brown as Trustees.

Pastor Salley serves on the ministerial staff in Emeritus' capacity and continues to support the church and its kingdom-building efforts. He says, “Through the grace of God, we are a healthy church with a high view of God by accepting the 'Absolute Authority' of the scriptures in all things. We have come this far by God’s grace, leaning and trusting in God.”



Sunday Services:
New Members Class 9:30am 
Sunday School 10:00am 
Morning Worship 11:00am
Weekday Services:
Noon Day Prayer 
Tues 12:00pm

Hour of Power Tuesday 7:00pm
Bible Study Thursday 7:00pm




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Welcome to our church family! We feel privileged to have you visit with us through our website as you browse and witness the Vision - Integrity - Structure - Accountability of our Church Family. Whenever you are in the Charleston area, you are always welcome.

Reverend Dr. Herbert W. Beard is the Sr. Pastor of Jerusalem Baptist Church.  Our goal is to stimulate continual spiritual growth in the life of each member by preaching, teaching and studying the full counsel of God’s Word. 

holy bible