


                   or CASH APP: $JMBC692

                 Sunday Services:
                 New Member Class 9:30a 
                 Sunday School 10:00a 
                 Morning Worship 11:00a

                Weekday Services:
Tuesday 12:00p

                Hour of Power Tuesday 7:00p
                Bible Study Thursday 7:00p

New Member Lessons

Dear New Member;

It is with great pleasure we welcome you to the Jerusalem Missionay Baptist Church. You have taken and important step. We believe the Lord sent your here so that you may grow and fulfill His purpose for your life.

Jerusalem is a community where 'the Spirit is flowing and the saints are Growing' We serve a good God. We have a blessed Church. We encourage you to use your God given gifts in a spirt of unity and see just how much we can do together the Christ. Let us pray fervently and continue the work of the ministry.

'Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15)"

We provide this class lessons, which we trust will assist you and your growth in Christ.




Sunday Services:
New Members Class 9:30am 
Sunday School 10:00am 
Morning Worship 11:00am
Weekday Services:
Noon Day Prayer 
Tues 12:00pm

Hour of Power Tuesday 7:00pm
Bible Study Thursday 7:00pm




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About Our Church

Welcome to our church family! We feel privileged to have you visit with us through our website as you browse and witness the Vision - Integrity - Structure - Accountability of our Church Family. Whenever you are in the Charleston area, you are always welcome.

Reverend Dr. Herbert W. Beard is the Sr. Pastor of Jerusalem Baptist Church.  Our goal is to stimulate continual spiritual growth in the life of each member by preaching, teaching and studying the full counsel of God’s Word. 

holy bible